Bike rides

Our bikes are perfect for your rides during the holidays or during your free time. You will find good reasons to take a tour with them, whether for freedom, conviviality, autonomy, health, sport, the environment, active mobility, nature, discovery of heritage, initiatives and residents. So, find your favorite excuse and go on an adventure! Roulez JEUnesse !

La Vélo Francette from Caen to Thury-Harcourt Le Hom

Connecting Caen to Suisse-Normande, this greenway runs along the Orne and its meanders. Along the water, discover Caen, the ancient ducal city of William the Conqueror. Then Suisse-Normande and its hilly landscapes, between meadows and rocky escarpments.

Balade nature de Louvigny à Feuguerolle par la VéloFrancette

Departing from the Roulez JEUnesse Loisirs boutique, a short break at Bulle de Levain then joining VéloFrancette along the banks of the Orne until the climb to Feuguerolle-Bully and AccroFury then return to Louvigny and stroll in the Lisière duprès Normand .

Walk from Caen to the sea

Cycle loop from Caen to the sea passing through small villages in the hinterland to discover. A good part of the route follows cycle paths.

From Orne to Vieux-la-Romaine

Family bike loop exploring the Val de Maizet for young and old, then the villages of Avenay, Vieux and Feugerolles-Bully. Don't miss this lovely walk allowing you to discover the Orne and Odon Valleys.

Caen La Mer
for a weekend

Two day stay. Historic Caen, the descent towards the sea via the canal track, a stroll along the Mother of Pearl coast. Then through the Countryside. On the program: History, beaches, castles, hidden church, tastings. You will be amazed!!

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