Electric bikes

The VAE, acronym for Electric Assistance Bicycle, is a type of bicycle equipped with an electric motor which provides pedaling assistance. The motor is powered by a rechargeable battery and can be activated either by manual control or by an automatic pedaling sensor.

Pedelecs come in a variety of styles and models, including mountain bikes, hybrid bikes, city bikes and folding bikes. E-bikes are generally equipped with wide tires for better grip and suspension for a comfortable ride.

VAEs are designed to provide pedaling assistance up to a certain speed, generally around 25 km/h. Beyond this speed, the assistance stops and the bike rides like a conventional bike.

Pedelecs are popular with urban cyclists, workers who have to travel long distances and people looking for a greener and healthier alternative to the car. E-bikes allow cyclists to cover longer distances and climb hills more easily, while being more environmentally friendly than cars.

Included in the rental

Trousse de premier secours compris avec la location du vélo
First aid kit
>Gilet de sécurité compris avec la location du vélo
Safety vest
Casque compris avec la location du vélo
Pompe à main compris avec la location du vélo
Hand pump
Antivol compris avec la location du vélo
Panier compris avec la location du vélo
(on compatible models)