Crazy Bike trailer

Day based pricing : Remorque Crazy Bike 2023
1 - 1 days 12,00 
2 - 2 days 20,00 
3 - 3 days 26,00 
4 - 4 days 34,00 
5 - 5 days 39,00 
6 - 6 days 44,00 
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Description of Crazy Bike trailer

The Crazy Bike follower bike is a distinctive model, designed to be attached to an adult bike. It offers children the chance to pedal and learn to balance while being pulled by an adult. This is a great option for long bike rides, where the child might struggle to keep up.

The Crazy Bike consists of a single wheel, handlebars, saddle and pedals. It does not have a front wheel because its front end is specially designed to attach to the seat post of the adult's bicycle. It is suitable for children who are beyond the age and size for a children's bicycle seat, but who are not yet big enough or experienced enough to follow an adult for long distances.

The follower bike allows the child to actively participate in the bike excursion, whether they decide to pedal or rest if necessary. It provides additional safety compared to a child riding their own bike alone, because the adult controls the direction and speed.


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